Kyle Kersey (VIPER' 19)
Degrees and Majors at Penn?
- BA in Chemistry and BSE in Chemical Engineering
Current Job?
- PhD Candidate in Chemical Engineering at Cornell University
Awards and Achievements
- American Chemical Society Award
- ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Undergraduate Award
- Best poster award at the International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization and the Carbon Capture
- Utilization and Storage Gordon Research Symposium.
Why did you join VAB?
- I think the VIPER program and the people that make it up are very special, and I wanted to help grow the alumni network and the program's outreach to stay in touch with Penn.
What part of the energy industry are you most excited about?
- I am very excited to see how the nuclear energy industry grows. There are so many promising advances in the fission industry, with small reactors, new fuels/materials, etc. that I am hoping they will bring nuclear back into our portfolio of carbon-free energy. Given the amount of energy it can provide, I believe it is essential we continue to make use of nuclear.
What is something that you're interested in?
- Photography, hiking/sailing/being outdoors, and music are some of my favorite hobbies! I love all these because they are ways I can destress and stay creative to express a different side of my personality.
What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?
- James Spader. He's my favourite actor, and I feel like we could hit it off well talking about some random/obscure experience or interest.