Sample Schedule #2 - Earth Science and MSE

  • B.A. in Earth Science (Concentration in Environmental Science)
  • B.S.E. in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)


First Year


Course CUs
 General Chemistry Lab I (CHEM 053)  0.5
 Honors Chemistry I (CHEM 115)  1.0
 Japanese Popular Culture (EALC 069)  1.0
 Elementary French (FREN 121)  1.0
 Calculus II (MATH 114)  1.0
 Intro to MSE (MSE 220)  1.0
Total  5.5


Course  CUs 
 Honors Chemistry II (CHEM 115)  1.0
 Intro to Scientific Computing (ENGR 105)  1.0
 Intermediate French I (FREN 130)  1.0
 Intermediate Spanish II (SPAN 140)  1.0
 Principles of Physics II (PHYS 151)  1.5
 VIPER Seminar I (VIPR 120)  0.5
Total  6.0




Course CUs
 Introduction to Biology A (BIOL 101)  1.5
 Intermediate French II (FREN 140)  1.0
 Intro to Geology (GEOL 100)  1.0
 Calculus IV (MATH 241)  1.0
 Quantum Physics of Materials (MSE 221)  1.0
 VIPER Seminar II (VIPR 121)  0.5
Total  6.0


Course  CUs 
 Introduction to Design (ARCH 102)  1.0
 Introduction to Biology B (BIOL 102)  1.5
 Energy Systems and Policy (EAS 403)  1.0
 Intro to Nanoscale Materials (MSE 215)  1.0
 Macro and Nano-scale Materials (MSE 260)  1.0
 Writing Seminar in Phys (WRIT 074)  1.0
Total  6.5


Junior Year


Course CUs
 Afro-American History (AFRC 176)  1.0
 Design Fundamentals I (ARCH 201)  1.5
 Architecture and History (ARTH 106)  1.0
 Structure at the Nanoscale (MSE 360)  1.0
 Computational Materials Science (MSE 460)  1.0
Total  5.5


Course  CUs 
 Intro to Human Evolution (ANTH 003)  1.0
 Sustainable Dev. of Water Resources (CBE 543)  1.0
 Intro to Creative Writing: Poetry and Fiction (ENGL 010)  1.0
 Introduction to Environmental Science (ENVS 100)  1.0
 Computational Linear Algebra (MATH 313)  1.0
 Nano-scale Materials Lab (MSE 250)  1.0
 Phase Transformations (MSE 440)  1.0
Total  7.0




Course CUs
 Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems (BIOL 240)  1.0
 GIS Mapping Places and Analyzing Spaces (ENVS 326)  1.0
 Gender and Society (GSWS 002)  1.0
 Soft Materials (MSE 330)  1.0
 Senior Design (MSE 495)  1.0
Total  5.0


Course  CUs 
 Engineering Ethics (EAS 203)  1.0
 Water Research and Conference in India (ENVS 634)  1.0
 Geology and Geography of Energy Resources (GEOL 508)  1.0
 Materials Selection (MSE 393)  1.0
 Mech. Properties of Macro/Nanoscale Materials (MSE 405)  1.0
 Senior Design (MSE 496)  1.0
Total  6.0


**This schedule assumes credit for MATH 104, PHYS 50, and PHYS 93 from AP exams and waivers for CHEM 054 and ECON 002